my three babies!! love u all sayang!! |
What a post title is that!!??....hmmmm...the title actually represents what was in my mind started almost 3 years ago till NOW! was like never ending story. NO STOP. Having 3 kids during your study is the toughest moment to go through especially when both of us (my hubby) doing it in the same time.
.IMPACT FACTOR JOURNAL...this is part of my study....addition...ANAK2 TAK SIHAT(ibu kena CUTI)....PROSES PENDAFTARAN INSYIRAH KE TAHUN 1 2014......APPLICATION TO SEKOLAH RENDAH INTEGRASI BANGI (SRAI) with the requirement to SUCCESS WITH THE EXAM AND INTERVIEW...(hoho...ibu yakin insyirah boleh!)- so this is part of my children education that i have to properly planned for their future...TIDAK BOLEH BERKOMPROMI dalam hal ini yer..don't sacrifices their future because of your laziness ok....BIG REMINDER TO ME!...
Anything else to add...? Yes sure, your role as a wife, mother and daughter to your that is how the post title come out! it is all spinning around in my head..mixing..blending..and the out put will be?
Be positive....Allah is always around...Thank you Allah for giving me such a beautiful kids and husband...and a GREAT LIFE for sure....ALHAMDULILLAH!
LESSON: be grateful whenever the busy'ness come around..coz you will find it so valuable when you have nothing to do....:)....Never complaint!