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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Selamat harilahir yang ke 1 tahun

Happy birthday ZAHIRAH sayang♥ 1st year
Setahun sudah berlalu,cepatnya masa berputar...maka cepatlah juga ibu dan ayah bertambah usia..dan yang pasti ibu sedang menikmati hidup ini ...gembira  dan kadangkala duka dgn anak-anak ibu semua....MAAFKAN ibu kerana masih banyak kekurangan dalam mendidik dan Ibu masih belajar....
Ibu berdoa pada Allah...
Semoga Allah mengurniakan umur yang penuh dgn manfaat buat birthday girl ini, dijadikan hamba yang penuh dgn keimanan terhadap pencipta dan menjadi anak yang akan membawa kami ke syurga...
Love u sayang

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hadiah dari Allah

Alhamdulillah....hanya itu perkataan yang mampu diluahkan. Your article has been accepted for publication! 14 SEPT 2013 setelah lama menanti.

Publish or perish....ini adalah satu yang wajib anda usahakan jika berada di tahap post-grad. Jika tidak...tidak ada output yang memungkinkan usaha anda dilihat.

Another paper to go,may Allah ease my work!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Write your thesis as you go along

                    "Just because PhD is difficult, that doesn't mean it has to be painful"

-if you are stressed, then it is a sign that something is wrong and you should pause and think about what you are trying to achieve and is there any better ways to solve it

Okay, i am stressed! so what should i do now????Blurr.....

Let's start again...

1) take care of youself-eat well..sleep well and do things to treat yourself from time to time.
2) keep your working place clean and tidy- as one psychological approach to get back the mood.
3) stop doing your thesis while you have something in reserve..don't push your self to the maximum energy per day
4) set target for everyday task..let say 500 words per day..don't put to high of aim
5) take time to think calmly
6) take pride in your work..doesn't mean it has to be perfect but to put extra care into your work
7)focus on one thing at a time--don't be too multitasking
8) Focus on the present moment- everything that going to happen is decided by is Allah's ..just pun your effort on what you are doing now!
9) Finish things as you go..delaying means saving the hard works for later!
10)stay connected-do enjoy your life with the loved one..:)

*credit to

Selamat Hari Raya!!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Final Semester of PhD's...3 kids...happy marriage, InsyaAllah

my three babies!! love u all sayang!!

What a post title is that!!??....hmmmm...the title actually represents what was in my mind started almost 3 years ago till NOW! was like never ending story. NO STOP. Having 3 kids during your study is the toughest moment to go through especially when both of us (my hubby) doing it in the same time.

.IMPACT FACTOR JOURNAL...this is part of my study....addition...ANAK2 TAK SIHAT(ibu kena CUTI)....PROSES PENDAFTARAN INSYIRAH KE TAHUN 1 2014......APPLICATION TO SEKOLAH RENDAH INTEGRASI BANGI (SRAI) with the requirement to  SUCCESS WITH THE EXAM AND INTERVIEW...(hoho...ibu yakin insyirah boleh!)- so this is part of my children education that i have to properly planned for their future...TIDAK BOLEH BERKOMPROMI dalam hal  ini yer..don't sacrifices their future because of your laziness ok....BIG REMINDER TO ME!...
Anything else to add...? Yes sure, your role as a wife, mother and daughter to your that is how the post title come out! it is all spinning around in my head..mixing..blending..and the out put will be?


Be positive....Allah is always around...Thank you Allah for giving me such a beautiful kids and husband...and a GREAT LIFE for sure....ALHAMDULILLAH!

LESSON: be grateful whenever the busy'ness come around..coz you will find it so valuable when you have nothing to do....:)....Never complaint!


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