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Monday, May 30, 2011

Aktiviti dihari minggu

(sebelum proses menutup rumput)-membersihkan kawasan

Alhamdullillah...hujung minggu dirasakan sangat bermakna! Sangat happy kerana dapat lakukan sesuatu yang baru..buat diri sendiri dan anak-anak. Terasa ada semacam perasaan yang menguatkan ikatan kasih sayang antara kami...yup! inilah apa yang saya nak! masa yang berkualiti bersama anak2..insyaallah!

Aktiviti membersihkan halaman belakang rumah jer pun nak kata bermakna? for me... YES! sangat bermakna! Mana taknyer? Insyirah sambil tangan mengorek tanah..duduk bertentangan dengan saya  mengeluarkan statement yang berbunyi" ibu...seronokkan kalau kita selalu macam ni.."?suddenly terfikir..aktiviti belakang rumah macam ni pun boleh buat budak2 happy ek? sebenarnya.. tak susah untuk buat anak2 happy...just let them involved dalam apa jua perkara yang kita lakukan...buat sama2 walaupun kadangkala memang terasa kalut,arahkan mereka untuk ambil sesuatu barang dan letakkan semula ke tempatnya(salah satu cara menyemai sikap bertanggungjawab)...  zaharuddin pun.. walaupun kurang mendengar arahan, dengan penuh semangat kehulu kehilir mengekori ayahnya yang sibuk nak memasang pelapik silvershine yang bertujuan untuk mengelakkan rumput tumbuh.

(ramainya pembantu ayah...)

Anyway..ini adalah projek bersama kami suami isteri untuk setup our own fertigation system untuk tanaman makanan seperti cili,terung,bendi,timun dan sayur-sayuran. Ini juga merupakan salah satu langkah penjimatan yang kami lakukan dalam usaha untuk berjimat-cermat selari dengan apa yang di war2kan oleh kerajaan...hehe...tanam sediri lepas tu jual....banyak boleh jimat ooiii!! untung...:)...

Sebenarnya,kami jalankan projek ni sebab MiNAT. Rugi rasanya jika kita mempunyai ilmu yang tidak dipraktikkan..since En Zulkarami saya memang bekerja didalam bidang pertanian fertigasi dan saya sendiri adalah penyokong tegar!...maka kami ter'motivate' untuk laksanakan sendiri sistem ni...dan alhamdulillah ini LANGKAH PERTAMA kami, walaupun nampak kecil berpeluh jugak lah kami ..dan yang paling penting kami sekeluarga  dapat mengisi masa hujung minggu dengan seronoknya!! Alhamdullilllah!!

Finally..siap pun!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My new hobby

Assalamualaikum wbt....

Now...saya dah ada hobby baru!!! hopefully saya dapat maintain dengan hobby ni...nak tau ker apa hobby baru tu? teka? hehe.....saya sudah jatuh cinta dengan pertanian....disamping menjadikan ia sebagai satu aktiviti masa lapang bersama keluarga, ia juga dapat menyihatkan badan!! teruja sangat2 bila hasil tu depan mata...cuba tengok gambar2 ni.... 

hasil....hasil...tak perlu beli kat pasar lagi...
pokok terung ku!!
hasil lagi!!

since,pokok2 ni dah mula nak tua...saya pun mula berfikir untuk menyemai benih2 lain. Jadi saya amik keputusan untuk tanam dua jenis tanaman selepas ini...timun dan bendi..since my hubby and kiddies suka sangat dengan those two.

 started to grow...

This is my first attempt with " all my heart" to grow plants, i did try before..but without any passion and its failed..besides..i did't allow anyone to teach me.. especially my hubby(sorry yer En zul)..nak buat sendiri i realized that i really...really needs you En Zulkarami as my gardening teacher!!! Kepuasan yang tidak terhingga bila tengok ia tumbuh dengan sihatnya..suka!!!
Tumbuh yer baby!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Finding your strength

It's been a hard time ...thinking over the issue regarding 8 principles to achieve success in life, taken from motivational book of Steven Covey. During our meeting last friday,we've been given a 'lecture' on 8 habits by our group leader Dr.suraini.The 8 habits were listed as follow;

1) Be proactive
2) begin with the end in mind
3) first thing first
4) think win-win
5) seek first to understand and understood later
6) synergize
7) sharpen the saw
8) moving to being effective to being great

yeah! all of above habits seem so easy to be applied.....yet.. the reality is i am still left behind, in order to achieve the 8's, i have to build confident within me.... i'm still looking and searching for my own own strength....but till now...i'm questioning my self "do i have any strength?" if i had, what is it? tell me..tell me... arghhhhhh!!!! will find it later:(

Being a PhD student, learning as much of knowledge related to our field is a compulsary daily routine..apart of it...english learning( just close ur eye when seeing any grammatical error...hehe)...most of the time staying in the lab...doing our job...ignoring peoples around that a good attitude to carry on...should one day becoming a leader or boss??? of coz not.... right??? there is needs to get others cooperation in order for us to imagine when your supervisor ignores you and your friends did not inform or reminding you about very important meeting you should attend ..sad is't? So let ourself involves in the society, dont get ourself isolated from the world!!

Defining SuCCess

SUCCESS means when you are able to bring peoples around you to be successful tooo.....not only you...dear....make it simple by putting it this way, I am a mother of 2 kids, a wife and daughter to my parent...would you consider me as successful if I neglect my responsibilities toward my kids and husband....and my parent as well? but my career was extremely superb!! What kind of living is that? it is all about YOU! SELFISH!!  At certain stage in your'll realize that you missed something...your kids is no longer looking at you to get the loves they normally they did in their childhood. They are now grown up..they have their own way of life..seldomly at home...same goes with your husband...looking for the happiness are now all ALONE at home...thinking hardly of what have you done to your family....after worked very hard just to earn money for a comfort living is it?

huh! i dont want my life ended that way. I have to set the priority either family or PhD..both are important! anyway...a quality time spent for our family will make each of family members a cheerful person since we always give our greatest concern to each others,and finally...happy life will creates successful human being...right???
As a conclusion, i decided to give my very best efforts to love my family and being loved by them....No 1...second will go to my Phd study..fist thing first(3rd habit)... 

So,I pray...and ask ALLah to show me the right path...and the strength to face any obstacles along my journey! Amin...  

Monday, May 2, 2011

Colours of My life

I am very...very glad to have such a wonderful moments in my deepest gratitude to ALLAH the Almighty for all the happiness and the bless!!

Thank you Allah for the joys!
Thank you Allah for the sadness!
Thank you Allah for the strengths!
Thank you Allah for all the lessons!


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